Sunday, 19 May 2013

Someone is Here...Run Away!

I apologize for jumping ahead in the timeline with this post, however I haven't stopped chuckling about this, so I thought I'd share it out of sequence.  Unfortunately, it kind of ruins the narrative thing I've had going.  If anyone is confused:

The Heroes End Up in W-Space and Generally Act Like Fools

I had a small window of time to log in on a Sunday.  After bouncing around the system in my Buzzard and performing D-scan, I hopped in my ratting battlecruiser to scratch an anomaly or two off our list.  I'm space poor and need to put some isk back in my coffers.

I got through the second wave of sleepers when I noticed a drake on scan named "Imicus".  Nice trick, I've used it before.  I think it only ever results in a chuckle.  I aligned to the
POS but keep hammering down on the sleepers in the hopes that when the pilot notices another ship in system, he or she would bug out.

Next D-scan cycle, I see something strange.  A drake is still on scan, but it appears to be my own drake.  "John Hurt = 12th Dr".  I thought briefly that this is a bug.  Then I changed my hull name to "derp".  I ended up getting a wink in response.  At this point I pulled in my drones and warped back to my POS and jumped into the Buzzard again.  This cheeky pilot again responded to my ship name ("Don't Panic") with "I Never Panic".  I was really starting to like this capsuleer.

I warped off to an unaligned safe with no hulls on D-scan and dropped combat probes.  Cloaked up, I moved probes to the area I last saw the Drake.

Pants soiled.  I haven't figured out how to get photos working yet.  There was an Eris, a Proteus, a Prophecy and a Talos on scan.  Not something I could take on myself (I haven't yet found out exactly what I can take on myself).

I narrowed down my probe range and managed to ping the prophecy, however by the time I warped in to gather intel, the pilots had already moved on to another anomaly.  I swapped back to D-scan and noticed that my friend the drake had noticed as well "Other Bads in System".

At this point, the situation degenerated into a probe war, mine versus the those of the pilot of an Eris class ship.  The whole time, the Drake pilot egged us on and dodged probes.  Whoever he is, he seems like a total bro and the type of pilot I want to fly with.  Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to probe the Drake down and figure out who the pilot was.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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