Sunday, 2 June 2013

The source of the DDoS attack on Eve servers

Eve is under attack.  Today, CCP has announced they are mobilizing internal and external staff to sort through their shit and get Tranquility and the Dust server up and running again.  So far, no comment has been made about the source of the attacks.  I know who is behind this.

I have pondered the question of who stood to gain the most from the collapse of CCP's servers.  At first I was stuck on the idea that it was orchestrated by a competitor in the Space MMO industry.  But then I realized there is no competition for Eve.

Then the answer struck me like I was being bumped off a gate!  The people who stand the most to gain from the failure of CCP's severs are: our significant others!

That's right, your wives, husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends have been meeting clandestinely in a google+ hangout while you have been flying through New Eden.  Maybe these meetings started as an ersatz support group for those in a relationship with a capsuleer. Soon the evil side of our loved ones took over, and they have succesfully coordinated a Distributed Denial of Service against our mistress/second home/harmless passtime.

The time for revenge is upon us comrades!  Hide the keys to the spare car.  Boycott the list of chores. Refuse to spend any time with your significant other until the attack on Eve's servers cease.


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